Member-only story
Churning. This describes my brain. My stomach. My heart. I try to meditate. I meditate. I walk outside almost daily for fresh air and to keep my heart energized and calmed, a contradiction out of the gate. I attempt to workout with my variety of accoutrements, a Pelaton, a Nordic Track, weights, virtual workouts from my gym.
I say (every night before I go to bed), tomorrow is Day 1.
Day 1 — again.
It is so easy to plan for Day 1 the night before with a belly full of sugar and wine.
But this is my pattern, when the times are the most stressful, the most chaotic, I decide to do some twenty eight day fitness challenge.
I’m in a master mamma group with two powerhouse female business owners. One said, with a frankness I have come to appreciate, “Alayne, why would you quit drinking in the midst of this disaster?”
“This is just what I do.” I replied, so matter of factly, it almost sounded normal. When the times are at their most dismal, these are the times I decide to take on a brand new health challenge.
I laugh aloud. If I didn’t, I would be sobbing aloud.
Let’s face it. The beauty business, the business I have raised myself in, raised over fifty women in for the past thirty years will never be the same, or at least will not be the same for at…